FAQ for Owners

Frequently Asked Questions

As a service based business, our current and potential clients and customers regularly have questions on the services we provide, what the process is for a particular situation and how we differ from other businesses. We hope this FAQ page will help to answer any questions you may have, but if it doesn’t please feel free to give us a call or shoot us an email through the Contact Us page.

Investor Questions

How do potential tenants view my property?

We have a 24/7 online booking system for all tenants to set-up inspection times at a time convenient to them. We are also available via phone or email and can meet prospective tenants after business hours or on the weekend to help lease the property quicker. We will meet all prospective tenants at the property, as this is the first part of the tenancy selection process.

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How do you screen tenants?

Selecting a tenant is one of the most important parts of property management, so we check everything we can. The tenant selection process starts at the property. Are the tenants respectful of the property? Do they take off their shoes? Were children well behaved? Are they clean and well presented? These are all items we consider before recommending a tenant to you.

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What checks do you perform on tenants?

Affordability, suitability and history are the main checks that we undertake when a tenant applies for a property. We complete a TICA check on all prospective tenants and also request a reference from their current/old managing agent to not only check their payment history but whether they are cooperative, whether they expect them to have a full bond refund and were pets kept at the property.

If a company or business is applying for your property we also recommend for us to conduct an Equifax search on the company and it’s Directors.

We also “listen to our gut”. If something just doesn’t add up or we feel a  tenant is not right for your property we will let you know. The last thing we want is a problem – it’s bad news for you, your property and us.

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What is the average length of a tenancy?

The average tenancy is 12 months, however, this can vary due to market conditions. If rents are increasing, then 6 monthly leases are recommended (or a rent review is a special condition in the lease), however longer leases can also be recommended for long-term tenants. We also take into account when the peak rental period is in Toowoomba (i.e. December/January) and try to have leases ending in this period so that vacancy is minimised.

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How many routine inspections are done each year?

We conduct inspections every 3 months unless otherwise instructed by the owner of the property. Several owners prefer their long-term tenants to be inspected less often, however as a minimum, the properties must be inspected at least every 6 months. The first inspection for a tenant who has just moved into a property is done at 6 weeks rather than 3 months.

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How often is rent paid into my account?

We can pay into your nominated account either monthly or twice a month depending on what suits you best. Monthly payments are processed on the 1st of each month and twice a month payments are processed on the 1st and 15th of each month.

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What is your process for managing tenants with overdue rent?

Our rent arrears are less than 1%.  We have several payment options for tenants which keeps arrears low (Centrepay, direct deposit via internet banking or at any St George or Westpac branch).

If tenants do fall into arrears, they are notified each day via email and sms. Owners are notified at the 3 day mark and kept up to date from that point to either rectification or breach. We will also phone a tenant to discuss their rent arrears so we can determine how quickly it is going to be rectified.

We keep detailed notes in our system on all conversations with tenants and have an online portal, so you can see up-to-the minute 24/7 where your tenant is paid to.

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What is your process for repairs and maintenance?

This will depend on the individual management plan agreed to at the start of the management. Generally, all owners are contacted for any repairs and their chosen maintenance person contacted. We also have trusted tradespeople to attend to all repairs, maintenance and renovations if you do not have a preferred tradesperson.

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6 Union Street, Toowoomba City | Phone 07 4642 0007

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