Please Help Obi Find A New Home

Please Help Me Find A New Home

My name is Obi. I turned 4 on the 10th May. I am one very spoiled Maltese x Shitzu. I was desexed when I was 16 weeks old and I’m always up to date with my vaccinations, heart worm, general worming and annual check ups. My ‘job’ is to act as Chief Inspiration and Games Coordinator for my two humans, Peter and Tracy (or Mum and Dad as I call them). They are really good parents who probably spoil me more than I deserve, but we won’t tell them that.

I spend most of my days hanging out with Mum in her office, making sure she takes regular breaks from the computer so we can go play outside or go for a walk. When Dad’s working from home I help out in the shed, picking up the rogue coffee beans and playing chasies with the finches that flit in and out of our yard.

It’s my job to tell the humans when someone is knocking on the door, but as soon as they figure out what’s going on I stand down, ready for my next call to action. I was taught when I was very young about manners, and Dad says it’s not nice to keep barking once you know someone is there. I love going for rides in the car, preferably long ones.

I have human Grandparents in Evans Head (a beach town in Northern NSW) and in Harristown. It’s because of my Harristown Grandparents that we are moving to Toowoomba. We’ve been on holidays to Noosa, Newcastle, Central Coast of NSW and Northern NSW. I love going on family holidays and I think it’s great when we all get a house somewhere different for a few weeks. There are times when Mum and Dad go away for work though and I can’t go. When that happens I get an “Obi sitter” because Mum says “It’s not my fault they have to go away”. Those times are fun too cause my Aunty Deanna or Uncle Pete come to stay in my house for a few days and I get to play with them.

I’ve lived in my Brookwater house since the day I came home (I was only 8 weeks old). It’s scary for me to think that I’m moving, but I know our new house owners will be as nice as Barrie (that’s the man that owns our place now) who has told me more than once that “I am a very good boy” and “I would rather have you living in my house than young children”. I guess that’s because I don’t draw on walls or break things.

My humans are very proud that I figured out ‘house training’ within 2 days of coming home. That means they are never scared of leaving me at home for a day. I know I am only allowed to use the outside toilet… Although I’ve never figured out what they do with my poop once they collect it. I guess they love me so much they want to keep it. Sometimes humans make no sense to me… but I love them anyway.

I always sleep on the bed with Mum and Dad, it’s my job to keep them warm in winter. I do this by making sure I take up as much space as possible. Why humans sleep lengthways in a bed I can’t understand, far more comfy to stretch out crossways … There is usually some level of disagreement about that during the course of the night. Most of the time I win though, I know that secretly Mum and Dad love cuddling into each other on one side of the bed. In the morning we all have our first latte in bed while we plan our day.

It’s my job to wake everyone up, I do this by jumping on their tummies and telling them it’s time to switch the coffee machine on (and to let me outside to go to the toilet). I don’t really get a latte, but because Mum and Dad own a coffee business they heat some puppy milk in my own “Diva” espresso cup (Diva is the name of our coffee business) so we all get to share that time together. Then we usually play with ‘monster’ or ‘kitty’ (my two favourite toys) for a while before we all go to work.

Anyway, I guess I should probably go now, it’s almost time for my afternoon nap and I don’t want to hold you up. I do enjoy talking to people though, so sometimes I get a little carried away. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself, I thought if you got to know me a little bit you’d understand why my Mum and Dad can’t look at any house that I can’t be with them.

Some people might lie to you and tell you what you want to hear… “Oh my dog stays outside or No, we don’t have any pets” and then when you’re back is turned sneak them inside. My family isn’t like that though, we prefer everyone to know what’s going on and have a great relationship right from the start.

I sure hope I get to meet you real soon. I’d love to have a latte with you and show you my toy collection! If you have any questions about me or whether I really am “A good boy” you can call or email Simone from Blackbird and Finch on 07 4642 0007 or email [email protected] and she can provide full references and contact details for our current real estate agency and the owner of the house where I live so you can chat to them about how good I am.

6 Union Street, Toowoomba City | Phone 07 4642 0007

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