Mould – Who is Responsible?


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Deciding who is responsible for cleaning mould depends on how it appeared in the first place. Generally, if the mould is a result of problems with the property, it is the owner’s responsibility to make any necessary repairs and clean the mould. If the mould is from the environment or just normal living then this is the responsibility of the tenant.

It is very important to deal with mould quickly and thoroughly when it appears.


Mould from a leak – Owner

The owner would be responsible for the mould if it was from a leak in the wall or ceiling – this is generally a large wet patch yellowing the paint (water mark) followed by mould afterwards.

Environmental mould – Tenant

This is mould that is caused from the environment – steam from cooking, hot showers, air cons or humidifiers, even beathing can cause mould. Constant wet weather can also cause mould to build up.

This type of mould can gather on windows, walls and ceilings and is often like a sheet of black spots. Mould will often be worse in Winter but can occur any time of year. Most homes will get mould, so you do need to clean it regularly.

Shower silicon and grout is also a haven for mould, if there was no mould at the start of your tenancy then you need to clean it regularly, otherwise you may have to have it re-silicone when you vacate.

The best thing to use is Exit mould – but spray and leave it on – don’t wipe it off. (But make sure you move all furniture or throw a white sheet down before spraying as this can bleach coloured items).

Or if you are wanting to use something without chemicals, try clove oil.

You may also want to use a Hippo or Damp rid buckets. These are small buckets that have bean bag beans in them that draw the moisture from the air into them. They will slowly fill up with water and then you simply throw them out. Be careful where you place them as they can fill with water quickly if not monitored.



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